Old in Thai (เก่า แก่)

old in Thai

Two common words that mean old in Thai are including เก่า (kàw) and แก่ (kæ̀æ). This article shows you the difference between เก่า (kàw) and แก่ (kæ̀æ). kàw (เก่า) เก่า (kàw) means something that has existed or has been used for a long time. It is also used to refer to something or someone you … Read more

Before in Thai (ก่อน แต่ก่อน เมื่อก่อน)

Before in thai (ก่อน)

There are three common words which mean before in Thai including ก่อน (kɔ̀ɔn), แต่ก่อน (tæ̀æ-kɔ̀ɔn) and เมื่อก่อน (mɨ̂a-kɔ̀ɔn). Let’s learn how to use them correctly. (Read about the word หลัง (lǎŋ) which is the antonym of ก่อน (kɔ̀ɔn) ก่อน (kɔ̀ɔn) as a conjunction Use it to connect two sentences to show that a particular event … Read more

For in Thai (ให้ สำหรับ เพื่อ)

for in thai

Three words can be used as the word for in Thai including ให้ (hây), สำหรับ (sǎmràp), and เพื่อ (phɨ̂a). We will see how to use them. Table of contents ให้ (hây) = for someone or something in Thai Use when an action is done for someone or something. Structure(1): verb + ให้ (hây) + someone … Read more

The word Bring in Thai (เอา พา)

bring in Thai

There are two common words to say bring in Thai. The first one is เอา (ʔaw) and the second one is พา (phaa). You need to follow the structures below to use these words. เอา (ʔaw)…มา (maa) = to bring something You use this when you say you bring something or an animal with you. … Read more

The word Want in Thai (อยาก เอา)

want in thai

อยาก (yàak) means want in Thai. However, you don’t use this word exactly like the word want in English in some cases. In this lesson, I will show you how to use it correctly. You will also see the word เอา (ʔaw) which does not mean want in Thai, but it can replace the English’s … Read more