Two common words that mean old in Thai are including เก่า (kàw) and แก่ (kæ̀æ). This article shows you the difference between เก่า (kàw) and แก่ (kæ̀æ).
kàw (เก่า)
เก่า (kàw) means something that has existed or has been used for a long time. It is also used to refer to something or someone you used to have.
Structure(1): noun + เก่า (kàw)
– phǒm chɔ̂ɔp faŋ phleeŋ kàw.
– I like listening to old songs.
– chán khít-thɨ̌ŋ wan kàw kàw.
– I miss the old days.
– fææn kàw phǒm pen khon dii.
– My ex-girlfriend is a good person.
เก่า (kàw) means experienced or skillful when combined with the word มือ (mɨɨ) which means hands.
Structure(2): มือ + เก่า (mɨɨ + kàw)
– kháw pen nák-thennít mɨɨ-kàw, mǎy-chây mɨɨ-mày.
– He is a professional tennis player, not a rookie.
เก่า (kàw) used with the word หัว (hǔa) which means a head makes a word conservative.
Structure(3): หัว + เก่า (hǔa + kàw)
– nay thúk prathêet mii tháŋ khon hǔa-kàw lǽ khon hǔa-mày.
– In every country, there are both conservative and non-conservative people.
เก่าแก่ (kàw-kæ̀æ) means ancient, someone or something that has been existing for a very long time
Structure(4): เก่า + แก่ (kàw + kæ̀æ)
– khun yaay khon nán pen khon kàw-kæ̀æ thîi-nîi.
– That old grannie is a person who has lived here for a long time.
– tôn-máay tôn níi kàw-kæ̀æ thîi-sùt nay lôok.
– This tree is the oldest in the world.
kæ̀æ (แก่)
แก่ (kæ̀æ) refers to a person or animal who has lived for a long time.
Structure(5): noun + แก่ (kæ̀æ)
– mææw chán kæ̀æ taay.
– My cat died from old age.
– phǒm kæ̀æ kwàa kháw.
– I am older than him.
– phǒm mây yàak mii fææn kæ̀æ.
– I don’t want to have an old girlfriend.