International in Thai

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International in Thai

Before we look at the word สากล (sǎakon), which means international in Thai, I’d like to give a wish to you all khâ.

ตลอดปี ตลอดไปนะคะ

(sawàtdii pii mày khâ
khɔ̌ɔ hây thúk-khon sùkkhaphâap dii tháŋ kaay lǽ cay
phóp cəə tæ̀æ síŋ dii dii
talɔ̀ɔt pii, talɔ̀ɔt pay ná khá)

Happy New Year
Wishing everyone good health,
both body and mind
Encounter only good things
throughout the year and forever.

If you read the newsletter on May 1st this year, which was about Songkran or the Thai New Year, you should see that January 1st became an official New Year day in Thailand in BE 2484 (1941 CE)—84 years ago.

Nowadays, when Thai people talk about วันปีใหม่ (wan pii mày), we will think of the 1st of January, not Songkran in April.

Thai people also know the 1st of January as วันปีใหม่สากล (wan pii mày sǎakon). The word สากล (sǎakon) is a word I’d like to introduce to you in this article.

สากล (sǎakon) means international in Thai

The word สากล (sǎakon) can be translated as universal, global, and international in Thai, depending on the context.

Therefore, วันปีใหม่สากล (wan pii máy sǎakon) means International New Year’s Day.

You will hear or see the word สากล (sǎakon) in other words, which may be helpful for you to know. Let’s learn some of them.

1. เพลงสากล (phleeŋ sǎakon) means international songs

When Thai people talk about เพลงสากล (phleeŋ sǎakon), we usually refer to songs in the English language.

For example,

(khun chɔ̂ɔp faŋ phleeŋ sǎakon máy)
= Do you like listening to English songs?

2. ใบขับขี่สากล (bay khàp khìi sǎakon) means international driving license

ใบขับขี่ (bay khàp khìi) means driving license. If you want to drive in Thailand, you will need ใบขับขี่สากล (bay khàp khìi sǎakon) unless you have ใบขับขี่ไทย (bay khàp khìi Thai).

For example,

(phǒm yàak tham bay khàp khìi sǎakon)
= I want to get an international driving license.

3. มวยสากล  (muay sǎakon) means boxing

As you know, we have มวยไทย (muay Thai), which is Thai boxing. When we talk about boxing, which is a combat sport and martial art with specific rules accepted worldwide, we call it มวยสากล (muay sǎakon).

For example,

(phǒm chɔ̂ɔp duu muay sǎakon nay kaan khæ̀ŋ-khǎn Olympics)
= I like watching boxing in the Olympics.

4. ชุดสากล (chút sǎakon)  means formal attire

ชุด (chút) means attire or uniform. Therefore, when Thai people talk about ชุดสากล (chút sǎakon), we refer to suits or dresses that are acceptable internationally as formal attires.

For example,

(chán tɔ̂ŋ sày chút sǎakon pay ŋaan prachum khráŋ níi)
= I have to wear formal attire to attend this conference.

Note: However, in casual conversation, Thai people use the word ทางการ (thaaŋkaan) in a clothing context. ทางการ (thaaŋkaan) also means formal, official.

For example,

(chán tɔ̂ŋ sày chút thaaŋkaan pay ŋaan prachum khráŋ níi)
= I have to wear formal attire to this conference.

5. มาตรฐานสากล (mâat-tra-thǎan sǎakon) means international standard

This term is usually used when talking about the standard of a corporation, organization, academic institution, products and services, etc.

For example,

(rooŋ-phayaabaan hæ̀ŋ níi dâay ráp-rɔɔŋ mâat-tra-thǎan radàp sǎakon)
= This hospital is accredited with international standards.

Note: ระดับ (radàp) means level. Therefore, มาตรฐานระดับสากล (mâat-tra-thǎan radàp sǎakon) means a standard at international level.

สากล (sǎakon) in other contexts

In the future, when you come across this word in other contexts, you know it must be related to global or international. Let’s look at the following contexts.

Example 1,

ปัจจุบันนี้คนไทยเริ่มทำตามมารยาทสากลมากขึ้น เช่น ไม่ถามอายุของคนที่เพิ่งเจอกันครั้งแรก

(pàt-cu-ban níi khon Thai rə̂əm tham taam maarayâat sǎakon mâak khɨ̂n chên mây thǎam ʔaayú khɔ̌ɔŋ khon thîi phə̂ŋ cəə kan khráŋ ræ̂æk.)

= Nowadays, Thai people have started to follow international etiquette, such as not asking about other people’s age.

Example 2,

ทุกโรงเรียนในประเทศไทยสอนวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ เพราะภาษาอังกฤษเป็นภาษาสากล

(thúk rooŋ-rian nay prathêet Thai sɔ̌ɔn wíchaa phaasǎa ʔaŋkrìt phrɔ́ phaasǎa ʔaŋkrít pen phaasǎa sǎakon.)

= Every school in Thailand teaches English subjects because the English language is a universal language.

Example 3,

พ.ศ.2568 (พุทธศักราช) เป็นการนับเวลาแบบไทย และ ค.ศ.2025 (คริสต์ศักราช) เป็นการนับเวลาแบบสากล

(phɔɔ sɔ̌ɔ 2568 (phút-thá-sàkkaràat) pen kaan náp weelaa bæ̀æp Thai lǽ khɔɔ sɔ̌ɔ 2025 (khrít-sákkaràat) pen kaan náp weelaa bæ̀æp sǎakon)

= The Thai time counting system is BE 2568 (Buddhist Era), and the international time counting system is 2025 CE (Christian Era).

Note: พ.ศ. stands for พุทธศักราช, which means Buddhist Era and ค.ศ. stands for
คริสต์ศักราช which means Chirstian Era.

Although the word สากล (sǎakon) means universal, international, or global, we only use it with certain words. That means you cannot use it as the word international in every situation.

For example,

โรงเรียนนานาชาติ (rooŋ-rian naa naa châat) means international school. You cannot say โรงเรียนสากล (rooŋ-rian sǎakon) for that.