The High Class Consonant

You will see two lessons that will help you to learn all the consonants belonging to the high class, its tone rules (which are slightly different from the middle class), and how to read them.

Lesson 4

We will start by learning 5 consonants in the high class as shown below.

khɔ̌ɔไข่ (khày)an egg
thɔ̌ɔถุง (thǔŋ)a (shopping) bag
hɔ̌ɔหีบ (hìip)a treasure box
phɔ̌ɔผึ้ง (phɨ̂ŋ)a bee
fɔ̌ɔฝา (fǎa)a cymbal

Memorize these 4 vowels. You will see 2 of them are changed vowels.

เ-ะ / เ ็ เ-
แ-ะ / แ ็ แ-

Here is how the เ-ะ changes.

ข + เ-ะ = เขะ

ข + เ-ะ + ด = เข็ด

Here is how the เเ-ะ changes.

ข + เเ-ะ = เเขะ

ข + เเ-ะ + ง = แข็ง

The only thing high class consonants are different from the middle class is their natural tone is rising. Let’s compare.

Here is the tone rules reminder for high class consonant
  • Open syllable:
    – Syllables ending with n, ŋ (ng), m, w, y, or long vowels have a rising tone
    – Syllables with ำ (-am), เ-า (-aw), ไ- (ay), or ใ- (ay) vowels is rising tone
  • Closed syllable:
    – Syllables ending with  k, t, or p or a short vowel have a low tone
Here is the tone rules reminder for middle class consonant
  • Open syllable:
    – Syllables ending with n, ŋ (ng), m, w, y, or long vowels have a middle tone
    – Syllables with ำ (-am), เ-า (-aw), ไ- (ay), or ใ- (ay) vowels is middle tone
  • Closed syllable:
    – Syllables ending with  k, t, or p or a short vowel have a low tone

Let’s practice reading

In this practice, we also use ก, ด, ง (ŋ/ng), and ม (m) as final consonants.


Make sure you learn these new 5 high class consonants, the new vowels well, and the high class tone rules well before go to the next lesson.

Lesson 5

Let’s complete the other 5 high class consonants here.

chɔ̌ɔฉิ่ง (chìŋ)cymbols
thɔ̌ɔฐาน (thǎan)a base
sɔ̌ɔเสือ (sɨ̌a)a tiger
sɔ̌ɔศาลา (sǎalaa)a pavilion
sɔ̌ɔฤาษี (rɨɨsǐi)a hermit

Learn 4 more vowels. Again, you will see two of them are changed vowels.

ือ / ื
เ-อะ เ-อ / เ ิ

Here is how the vowel ือ changes.

ส + ือ = สือ

ส + ือ + บ = สืบ

Here is how the vowel เ-อ changes.

ฉ + เ-อ = เฉอ

ฉ + เ-อ + ด = เฉิด

But when ย (y) is a final consonant, it changes differently. We remove ิ.

ฉ + เ-อ + ย + เฉย

Let’s practice reading

We will also use ย (y) and ว (w) as final consonants in this practice.


To wrap up

Lessons 4 and 5 are all about high class consonants. You have completed every consonant in this class 8 more vowels. Below is a list of everything you have learned here.

  • All the high class consonant (ข ถ ห ผ ฝ ฉ ฐ ส ษ ศ)
  • The difference between high class tone rule and middle class tone rule
  • 4 short vowels (เ-ะ แ-ะ  ึ เ-อะ) and 4 long vowels (เ- แ- ือ เ-อ)
  • ก บ ด น ง ม ย and ว  as a final consonant

Please ensure you know all the consonants, vowels, tone marks, and tone rules in this lesson well before moving on to the next lesson.